Reasonable Suspicion Testing:
Supervisory Training for the Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse
Your employees are your most valuable assets and the health and well being of each team member is critical to the overall success of your business. Your supervisors have a responsibility to maintain the safest working environment possible. Part of that responsibility includes recognizing the signs and symptoms of substance abuse in any employee, and understanding how to deal with the problem effectively.
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CDS’ Reasonable Suspicion Training program is specific to the construction industry and uses videos and support materials to give you the tools you need to effectively…
PROTECT your company’s interests, while respecting the rights of the individual.
OBSERVE the signs and symptoms that justify Reasonable Suspicion Testing.
DOCUMENT your objective observations.
CONFRONT the individual in a professional and prepared manner.
REFER the individual for Reasonable Suspicion Testing.
To learn more about Reasonable Suspicion Training, please contact CDS’ professional staff at (800) 439-1454 or by e-mail at
info@cdsonsite.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it